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Olive Cultivation (Zeytincilik)

Olive cultivation also known as Zeytincilik, is a traditional knowledge, method, and practice of olive cultivation concerning nature that involves grafting, pruning, fertilizing "delice" (wild olive trees), harvesting and preserving olives; processing, such as preserving and pickling table olives and extracting olive oil, which has been passed down from generation to generation in Turkey for centuries. In order to graft "delice" and plant new olive saplings according to climate and soil conditions, it is necessary to know the local varieties of olive trees. A graft is performed before a tree blooms. Table olives are harvested by hand before January, and oil olives are picked after the first rain of October. It is not necessary to use all animal manure to fertilize olives. Different fertilizers are used according to the species of olive. Harvest time is marked by some rituals, social practices, and festivals.

Farmers in the rural areas of the mentioned regions of Anatolia are mainly the bearers and practitioners of the element. Families and villagers have passed down traditional knowledge, methods, and practices about the element through generations in rural areas. Knowledge and skills are transmitted both verbally and practically. Published scientific studies and articles, as well as non-formal education courses and informative seminars, have been used to transmit knowledge for the past 50 years.

For decades, public meetings and training programs have been held by communities, NGOs, bearers, and practitioners to prevent the disappearance of the element's risk. A number of legal and administrative regulations related to the element in Turkey. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MoAF) is responsible for the concerned regulations. Izmir and Hatay provinces, where large olive groves exist, are home to two MoAF research institutes that study olive culture. A program of financial support for traditional olive grove rehabilitation is also available from MoAF. To raise awareness and solidarity about the element, provincial administrations and municipalities have organized several festive events.

In addition, the element has been covered in a number of documentaries broadcast by Turkish Radio Television (TRT). The element is the focus of field research carried out by folklore researchers at the Ministry of Culture (MoCT). Over 200 items (photographs, tape records, etc.) were obtained and archived in the Folk Culture Information and Documentation Centre at MOCT. IX also featured an article on "Olive and Olive Oil Culture in Bursa Province." It was also published in the book of the Congress.
