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La Mare De Déu De La Salut

The Festivity of La Mare de Déu de la Salut is an annual festival held in Algemesi (Valencia), Spain that is started from August 29 to September 8. The festival is dedicated to Algemesi patron saint, La Mare de Déu de la Salut, which dates back to 1247.

As a patroness of Algemesi, Our Lady of Health celebrates her feast day on September 8, commemorating the legendary discovery of a statue depicting the Madonna and Child in 1247. As a result of the American Civil War, the original image and chapel of the Virgin of Health were destroyed, and a replica of that image has been venerated in the town since the mid-twentieth century. In the area of the Chapel of Finding, the festival is believed to have originated as a street party and gradually spread to other neighborhoods. During the main celebration, the chapel of finding will hold a novena.

Around 1,400 people participated in theatre, music, dance, and other shows in the historical areas of the city. A procession ran from the Basilica Minor de San Jaime to the Capella de la Troballa with a bell ringing, followed by a parade. Vespers are performed by the Schola Cantorum choir and orchestra in the evening at the basilica, followed by bell ringers and Procession of the Betrothed, including Els Misteris, human towers, and dance performances alongside Els Misteris (short, religious theatrical pieces played by children).

On the following day, the General Grand Procession features depictions of biblical characters with music from the apostles and giant puppets representing the King and Queen of Aragon, James I, and his wife Violante of Hungary. Residents of the town are deeply involved in this celebration, which is the key to its continuation. Costumes, ornaments, and accessories were all handcrafted by artisans, and dances and music scores have been passed down through the generations.

Throughout the celebration, Algemesi transforms into a living museum, a testament to the Mediterranean and Valencian traditions, enmeshed with faith, culture, and tradition of the Basilica's liturgical celebrations, it is the soundscapes emitted by the bells as well as the surroundings of the 17th Century that form the background of the processions.

This celebration has preserved traditional dances and music and has worked as a source for the recovery of dances that were once present in other locations. Each ritual is independently prepared and has been continuing for over two centuries. However, the involvement of the town's inhabitants has been making this celebration work.


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