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Holy week

In the historic town of Mendrisio, the Holy Week procession takes place on the evenings of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, drawing over ten thousand spectators. To light up the night, translucent paintings developed in the early 18th century are mounted on wooden frames and illuminated from within and made using a specific painting technique.

Depicting biblical scenes and symbols there are approximately 260 transparencies. Around 270 amateur actors take part in the Thursday procession, which depicts the Passion of Christ and the Stations of the Cross. Drums and trumpets set the pace and create a contemplative atmosphere in the streets.

The Good Friday procession is more austere and involves hundreds of children and adults carrying over 500 objects, including 320 lanterns that symbolize the passion of Christ. In addition to the choreography and scenography of the processions, the transparency and translucencies also promote local craftsmanship.

Hundreds of men and women volunteer to organize the processions, and many local citizens attend the processions to support them. The Fondazione Processioni Storiche di Mendrisio participates actively in the preparation and organization of the Processions and ensures the transmission of related knowledge among its members and beyond.

More than 600 members of the various Brotherhoods and church associations participate in the traditional Good Friday procession, which is more formal and imbued with more spiritual meaning. They march through the streets carrying statues of the dead Christ and the grieving Virgin Mary before which onlookers bow.

Three companies of musicians play solemn funeral marches, and their presence is led by herald drummers on horseback. The Holy Week processions begin with a ceremony celebrating the Seven Sorrows of Mary. They are preceded by the Settenario, a church ceremony dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

Enterro, or the procession of Holy Friday, is probably older than Maundy Thursday, even though its origin is not clear. There is no doubt that it was founded by the Order of the Servites of Mary. A ceremonial trumpet is used by the heralds to announce the beginning of the ceremony.

The Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Saint Veronica, and the condemned thieves are shown following Christ down the path of the Cross, which here leads through Mendrisio. A legend tells the story of the role of Jesus being played by a sinner, who was given the role because he converted to the faith. Since his name was not released, the identity of the protagonist remains a secret until the very end of the Passion Play.

The Foundation Processioni Storiche di Mendrisio is committed to preparing and organizing Processions with wide community participation while ensuring the transmission of related knowledge among the members and others.
