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Andean Cosmovision

The Kallawaya ethnic group originated from the pre-Inca period. It has been documented in the Northern Interandean Valleys since 1537-1780 AD (early Colonial Period). Today, it is found in the ethnographic region of the North Altiplano and in the department of La Paz. Kallawaya's practices and values evolved through the fusion of native and Christian religions. One of the main activities of the Kallawaya involves practicing ancestral medical techniques. The rites and ceremonies associated with the performance of these techniques provide the basis for their local economy. They are part of the Andean Cosmovision which is composed of myths, ceremonies, values, and artistic expressions that illustrate how the Andean people relate to Nature and the Cosmos. The Andean Cosmovision emphasizes the complementarity of opposites. Additionally, it also empowers individuals to discover how to deal effectively with various aspects of their being. The Kallawaya priest doctors practice in Bolivia, as well as in several South American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Their techniques are based on the beliefs of indigenous people of the Andean region. A ritual body of knowledge is intimately linked to the healing art. It comes from a deep understanding of animal, mineral, and botanical pharmacopeia and a body of knowledge deeply connected to religious beliefs.

The Kallawaya healers, an exclusively male group of itinerant healers, are passing down their knowledge about medicinal plants through a complex system of transmission and apprenticeship, one that revolves around the journey. By traveling through widely varying ecosystems, Kallawaya healers expand their knowledge of medicinal plants. Their pharmacopeia rates as one of the world's most comprehensive with approximately 980 species. Kallawaya women participate in a wide range of rites. These include dancing, weaving textiles with motifs and decorations related to the Kallawaya cosmovision, and playing the drum and pan flute during ritual ceremonies. These instruments are used to establish contact with the world of spirits.

There is deep respect among villager communities in the Andean areas for their knowledge and skills. These are often passed from generation to generation, using an esoteric language known exclusively to Kallawayas called Machai Juyai. This language is thought to date back to the Incan period. As with other traditional healers from the Andean region, such as Ecuador and Peru, the Bolivian Kallawayas share a common worldview that is based on respect for Mother Earth and the requirement that humans live in harmony with their environment. Unfortunately, in recent times the traditional Kallawaya way of life has come under threat, and the development of acculturation may result in the disappearance of this extraordinary body of medical knowledge. The tradition has also been negatively affected by laws that do not adequately protect indigenous communities, particularly when it comes to policies pursued by large pharmaceutical companies.


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