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Limousin Septennial Ostensions

It is a religious procession that is held in honor of the relics of Roman Catholic saints.

The celebration is held in Limousin, France, and consists of public exhibitions of local saints' relics that are celebrated at the annual septennial ostentations every seventh year.

Legend has it that in 994 in the Aquitaine region (in which the Limousin district is located), a disease known as the "ardent sickness" was raging. This disease mainly affected rural populations and caused terrible symptoms. Hallucinations, spasms, necrosis, and so on. This disease comes from a parasite in rye bread, which in turn, is caused by a particular parasite. This disease affected the end of the harvest season. Many believed that the disease was a sign of God's anger, so they gathered in Limoges' churches and cathedrals to pray near the saint's relics.

For decades, the “Ardents miracle” was passed down from generation to generation. That is how the story became known as “The Ardents miracle.” This tradition is transmitted by three organizations, such as the Brotherhoods, City Halls, and Churches, who work together to preserve the legend and its customs.

During the ostensions, a community's skills and knowledge are mobilized from craftspeople, clergy, councilors, charities, and volunteers. They are also involved in the transmission of knowledge (both oral and written), including artifacts that are associated with the practice of the ostensions.

In addition to being supported by local towns and villages, the festivities are attended by large crowds that gather to see the reliquaries as they process through the town in costume, along with flags, banners, and decorations. The septennial ostensions belong to the entire population of Limousin and are held in high regard by both Christians and non-Christians alike.

This is a year-long project involving many craftspeople, clergy, local councilors, charities, and volunteers, in organizing the festivities and renewing the memory of this practice. The preparations also provide opportunities to strengthen social ties, while the celebrations serve as opportunities for newly arrived or former residents to integrate and for families to reunite as relatives return to participate.

In the following centuries, the ostensions came to symbolize the Limousin identity. Their origin story is strongly connected to an important local event. The district's identity quickly became tied to the ostensions due to the many pilgrims that came from everywhere. With the popularity of the ostensions, Limoges and the Limousin soon became known around the globe as the "region of the ostensions".

These days, the ostensions retain their religious aspect, but also attract atheists. They take place throughout the year. Usually from April through October (the last one can't take place after Whit Sunday for traditional reasons).


( ( |Subject=Belief, Ritual |Country=France |SDG=(11) Sustainable Cities and Communities }}
