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Chinese Zhusuan

Zhusuan is the Chinese oldest way of performing mathematical calculations with an abacus.

It was developed in China around the end of the 2nd century CE, and its peak was between the 13th and 16th centuries CE. In the 13th century, Guo Shoujing used Zhusuan to determine how many days an orbital year is, and determined 365.2425 days. In the 16th century, Zhu Zaiyu (zhu Zaiyu) used Zhusuan to calculate the musical Twelve-interval Equal Temperament.

At the end of the 16th century, Wang Wensu and Cheng Dawei published Principles of Algorithms and General Rules of Calculation which, respectively, summarized and refined Zhusuan's mathematical algorithms. This further boosted the popularity of Zhusuan and helped introduce it to neighboring countries.

Zhusuan has a profound impact on many areas of Chinese culture, such as culture, language, literature, art, architecture, etc., creating a broader cultural phenomenon that is related to Zhusuan. A term such as 'Iron Abacus' (Iron Abacus) signifies a person who is good at calculating.

Abacus users can add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponentially multiply, divide root, and perform more complicated calculations by moving beads along the rods according to defined formulas. In Chinese Zhusuan, oral formulas play an important role in the advancement of mathematical studies as they promote algorithmic practices and foster intelligence.

The formulas have easy-to-learn rhymes representing specific calculation rules and summarize arithmetic operations. In Chinese culture, Zhusuan, or mental arithmetic, is widely used. After some fairly basic training, practitioners can quickly make calculations, while an agile mind develops in proficient practitioners.

Chinese Zhusuan is often used in everyday life and is an important symbol of traditional Chinese culture, providing a strong sense of cultural identity. It has been taught to generations through oral methods and self-learning. Children who participate in abacus-based mental arithmetic are thought to have improved attention span, memory, and mental abilities.

According to the Intergovernmental Committee, Chinese Zhusuan is considered both a cultural symbol for their identity and a useful tool for daily life and is passed from generation to generation. It is a calculating technique that offers the world an alternative knowledge system. The Chinese Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association spearheaded the movement to get Chinese Zhusuan listed.

In today's world, it has a far-reaching influence on various forms of creative expression, including folk customs, language, literature, sculpture, and architecture. It also contributes to calculating techniques, cognitive schemas, educational psychology, and intellectual development.


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